Restore the power of balance to your body

The e3 Technology retrains the specific contraction pattern of your fingers, thumb and wrist into a neutral position, resulting in better body control, improved balance, and better results with less effort.

During normal activities, the average person displaces the shoulders, then the back, which in turn shifts the position of the hip joints. This alteration in alignment makes these areas susceptible to forces that would pull them into unstable positions. For example, if the shoulder position is internally rotated by contraction of the biceps, an unstable articulation is created whereby contraction of the trapezius, levator scapula, and rhomboids along with compression of the spine (rounding of the thoracic spine) must occur in order to provide sufficient resistance for the shoulder girdle to perform work. This pattern of movement creates shearing planes in the shoulder joint and results in increased stress on the back, shoulder joint and surrounding soft tissues because of the muscular imbalance.